Happy Mother’s Day!

Today I just want to wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all the artsy {and not-so-artsy} mamas out there!  I am convinced that motherhood is simultaneously the most challenging and most rewarding job in the entire world.  Whether you have one child or ten children, each one is a gift, a special miracle from God that has been entrusted to your care and that is no small responsibility.

I’ve heard women say, “Oh, I’m just a mom.”  There’s no “just” about it, friends.  As mothers {and fathers}, we are teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, chauffers, chefs, entertainers, and so much more, often on a daily basis.  And the work doesn’t stop when the children are grown and leave the house either!  There’s always praying to do, advice to give, and things that only Mom can do.

So, today, take time to celebrate the mothers in your life and make them feel as special and treasured as they are.  A very Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, especially to my mom Sherl and my mother-in-law Belinda.  God couldn’t have blessed me more.  I am so thankful to have sweet, godly women in my life who I can count on for advice, support, and love.  Mom, you inspire me with your generous heart and the way you selflessly give and serve others.  I hope that I can have the same kind of caring outlook and loving attitude you do for everyone you meet.  We have so much in common from our craftiness to our love of Starbucks, and I pray that I display your character too.  I love you.

Happy Mother’s Day!
I’d love to hear about what made your day special.

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